Plant Biotechnology Journal

Plant Biotechnology Journal, an Open Access journal, publishes high-impact original research and incisive reviews with an emphasis on molecular plant sciences and their applications through plant biotechnology.

Edited By: Henry Daniell

Online ISSN: 1467-7652

Reasons to publish with Plant Biotechnology Journal

High Impact Factor: 8.154 (in top 5 original research journals in plant sciences and number 1 Open Access journal in plant sciences).

CiteScore: 14.1 (ranked number 1 among all Open Access journals in the plant sciences. Ranked number 1 among 334 agronomy and crop science journals) 

High standard, rigorous peer review.

Broad dissemination with articles attracting high Altmetric scores.

Open Access: fully compliant with Open Access mandates, articles are published under Creative Commons license and authors are the copyright holder.

As an Open Access journal your research will be accessible globally without restriction. Our author centre provides promotional tools to help you maximise the impact of your article. 

Plant Biotechnology Journal would like to thank all our authors who have published their work in PBJ. Publishing your excellent science in PBJ has contributed to the advancement of plant biotechnology. We are also very grateful to our dedicated reviewers. Without the hard work and support of our reviewers, we would not be able to publish high quality articles.

As a fully Open Access journal, Plant Biotechnology Journal has an article publication charge.  Automatic Article Publication Charge waivers and discounts will be given to authors from countries on the Waivers and Discounts List. Authors should submit a waiver or discount request during the submission of their article. Authors who receive funding from an agency or institution with a Wiley Open Access Account do not pay directly. The charge is paid by the institution or funder. Authors whose institutions have paid the Wiley Open Access partner fee are eligible for a discount on the publication charge and on acceptance a discounted fee is payable by the author. More details are available here.