Archive of Medical Science (AMS)

Archives of Medical Science (AMS) publishes high-quality original papers and short communications prepared especially by young scientists from all over the world. It is a peer-reviewed journal with international Editorial Board. The second aim of AMS is to present best educational manuscripts written by experienced scientists (reviews, letters to Editor, editorials and research papers) to make this Journal even more interesting for young doctors.

Editor-in-chief: Prof. Maciej Banach, MD, PhD, dr. h.c. multi, FAHA, FESC, FNLA, FASA, FRSPH

Aims and scope

Archives of Medical Science (AMS) publishes high-quality original articles and reviews of recognized scientists that deal with all scientific medicine. AMS opens the possibilities for young, capable scientists. The journal would like to give them a chance to have a publication following matter-of-fact, professional review by outstanding, famous medical scientists. Thanks to that they will have an opportunity to present their study results and/or receive useful advice about the mistakes they have made so far.

The second equally important aim is a presentation of review manuscripts of recognized scientists about the educational capacity, in order that young scientists, often at the beginning of their scientific carrier, could constantly deepen their medical knowledge and be up-to-date with current guidelines and trends in worldwide medicine. The fact that our educational articles are written by world-famous scientists determines their innovation and the highest quality.

Full length (original) articles should not exceed 8 printed pages (4400 words including tables and references - about 20 typewritten double-spaced 8½" 11" sheets). Each article should contain structured abstract (200-250 words), divided such as the text of the manuscript. Subject matter should be organized under suitable headings and subheadings such as: Structured Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments and References. Footnotes should be avoided and their contents incorporated into the text. Manuscripts should be in their final form when submitted.

Archives of Medical Science does not accept CASE REPORTS any longer. Case reports should be submitted as Letters to Editors (LTEs). LTEs could also focus on a specific article that has appeared in recent issue of AMS. Letters must be submitted within 4 weeks of the print issue date of the article. Replies will generally be solicited by the Editors. LTEs should not exceed 500. Provide a title page that includes authors’ names and institutional affiliations and a complete address for correspondence. Do not include abstract nor subheadings.

Research letters and Letters to the Editor should be no more than 1000-1500 words - 4 manuscript pages, excluding structured abstract (100 words - only for the Research Letters), title page, references, tables and figures. The authors are strongly recommended to prepare the letters with no more than 10-15 references, no more than 2 tables or 1 figure, and no more than 5 authors, all of whom should sign the copyright release form. Keywords and name and mailing address of all authors should be included.

Review articles should follow the format for a regular article, but should be submitted only after consultation with the Editors. Each article should contain unstructured abstract (100-150 words) and up to 5 key words.

Ethical consideration

Papers describing animal experiments can be accepted for publication only if the experiment conforms to the legal requirements in Poland as well as with the European Communities Council Directive of November 24, 1986 or the National Institute of Health Guide (National Institute of Health Publications No. 80-23, Revised 1978) for the care and use of Laboratory Animals for the experimental procedure. Authors must provide a full description of their anesthetics and surgical procedures. Papers describing experiments on human subjects must include a statement that experiments were performed with the understanding and consent of each subject, with the approval of the appropriate local ethics committee.