The JOURNAL OF MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY (J MED BIOCHEM) is the official journal of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia with international peer-review. Papers are independently reviewed by at least two reviewers selected by the Editors as Blind Peer Reviews. The Journal of Medical Biochemistry is published quarterly.

The Journal publishes original scientific and specialized articles on all aspects of

clinical and medical biochemistry,

molecular medicine,

clinical hematology and coagulation,

clinical immunology and autoimmunity,

clinical microbiology,


clinical genomics and molecular biology,

genetic epidemiology,

drug measurement,

evaluation of diagnostic markers,

new reagents and laboratory equipment,

reference materials and methods,

reference values,

laboratory organization,


quality control,

clinical metrology,

all related scientific disciplines where chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology and immunochemistry deal with the study of normal and pathologic processes in human beings.

All manuscripts are reviewed and, after a final decision, are classified in the following categories: a) personal view, b) review articles, c) original papers, d) professional papers, e) preliminary reports, and f) reviews of scientific meetings.

There are also different reports and news, book reviews, reports on the activity of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, the IFCC and other related organizations, letters to the editor, and information about innovations, new reagents and instruments in the field of clinical chemistry. Detailed Instructions for authors are prepared and available on the Journal website.

The Journal of Medical Biochemistry articles appear in English on the Open Access model. The Journal is published in print and electronically.

Submission of a manuscript to the Journal of Medical Biochemistry implies that the work described has not been published before, except in the form of an abstract, thesis or lecture, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all authors see and approve the manuscript before its submission to the Journal of Medical Biochemistry.

Once the manuscript is accepted, it must not be published elsewhere without the consent of the copyright holders.

Manuscripts are accepted on condition of the "License to Publish" document of the Journal of Medical Biochemistry.

The "License to Publish" document authors has to be sent together with the manuscript. It should be signed by the corresponding author and returned either by e-mail, fax or regular mail.


Prof. dr Nada Majkić-Singh, Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia