eLife Journal

eLife is a non-profit organization created by funders and led by researchers. Our mission is to accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that encourages and recognizes the most responsible behaviors.

We work across three major areas:

Publishing – eLife aims to publish work of the highest standards and importance in all areas of biology and medicine while exploring creative new ways to improve how research is assessed and published.

Technology – eLife invests in open-source technology innovation to modernize the infrastructure for science publishing and improve online tools for sharing, using and interacting with new results.

Research culture – eLife is committed to working with the worldwide research community to promote responsible behaviours in research.

eLife receives financial support and strategic guidance from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Max Planck Society and Wellcome. eLife Sciences Publications Ltd is the publisher of the open-access eLife journal (ISSN 2050-084X).

Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

We aim to publish studies that provide new mechanistic insights into the structure, function, and regulation of biological molecules including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, and natural products. In addition, we are interested in studies that illuminate complex biological processes using chemical tools and approaches. Read the latest research in this subject area.

Cancer Biology

We aim to publish conceptually important advances in all areas of cancer biology, including the discovery of new mechanisms responsible for cancer initiation, progression and therapy response. We are also interested in clinical trials or other clinical observations that reveal new and important biological insights. Read the latest research in this subject area.

Cell Biology

We aim to publish significant research in all areas of cell biology, including but not limited to studies on cell cycle, cell polarity and fate, nuclear and chromosome organization and segregation/division, signal transduction, and vesicle transport. Read the latest research in this subject area.

Chromosomes and Gene Expression

We aim to publish significant research, performed using genetic, biochemical and structural approaches, that relates to all aspects of the central dogma of biology, specifically DNA replication, repair and recombination, transcription and RNA processing, and translation. We welcome studies in organisms from bacteria to humans that provide new insights into the mechanisms of these processes – including how they are regulated, for example during cell differentiation – and the defects in these processes that contribute to disease. Read the latest research in this subject area.

Computational and Systems Biology

We aim to publish studies that use computational methods, models and software to provide important biological insights in all areas of the life sciences. Read the latest research in this subject area

Developmental Biology

We aim to publish significant research in the field of developmental biology, in both traditional organisms and arising model systems. We particularly encourage studies that advance a mechanistic understanding of important events in embryogenesis, ranging from cell migration, proliferation and differentiation, regeneration, and inductive and signaling interactions, as well as work at the intersection between developmental biology and evolution. Read the latest research in this subject area.


We aim to publish studies that provide new insights into the different types of interactions that shape the distribution and abundance of organisms on Earth, including everything from new natural history observations to genomic analyses conducted on landscape scales (see also “Ecology in the genomics era of a degraded planet”). We also welcome functional analyses of the traits that matter for an organism’s Darwinian fitness. Read the latest research in this subject area.

Epidemiology and Global Health

We aim to publish studies across the entire spectrum of conditions and diseases of global public health importance (see also "What makes an eLife paper in epidemiology and global health?"). We also welcome submissions in broad areas of quantitative epidemiological research, novel mathematical models, and biological studies that are relevant to population health. Read the latest research in this subject area.

Evolutionary Biology

We aim to publish studies that present major new insights into patterns and processes in any field of evolutionary biology. This includes comparative genomics, population genetics, ecology, behavior, morphology, evolution of developmental processes, palaeontology, experimental evolution and evolutionary theory. We welcome also papers that revisit long established evolutionary paradigms in the light of new evidence. Read the latest research in this subject area.