Flexible and Printed Electronics

Flexible and Printed Electronics is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to publishing cutting-edge research articles on electronics that can be either flexible, plastic, stretchable, conformable or printed.

Research related to electronic materials, manufacturing techniques, components or systems which meets any one (or more) of the above criteria is suitable for publication in the journal.


Flexible and Printed Electronics is a multidisciplinary journal publishing cutting edge research articles on electronics that can be either flexible, plastic, stretchable, conformable or printed. Research related to electronic materials, manufacturing techniques, components or systems which meets any one (or more) of the above criteria is suitable for publication in the journal.

Subjects included in the journal range from flexible materials and printing techniques, design or modelling of electrical systems and components, advanced fabrication methods and bioelectronics, to the properties of devices and end user applications.

For more detail on the subjects covered please see the breakdown below, however this is not exhaustive. If you are unsure if your article is suitable for the journal, please contact the journal team at fpe@iop.org.


Ronald Österbacka

Ronald Österbacka, Åbo Akademi University, Finland