The Malaysian Forester

The Malaysian Forester is an international journal published half yearly by Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia to promote knowledge on all aspects of Malaysian forests and forestry since 1931 (previously known as Malayan Forester until 1973). It is not a government publication, although it is published with the approval of Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia. Articles by contributors in countries other than Malaysia are welcomed, provided the subject matter is applicable to Malaysia or to tropical forestry in general and not of purely local interest. The journal assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions expressed by contributors.

The Malaysian Forester is currently indexed/abstracted in Elsevier databases (SCOPUS, EMBASE, Compendex, GEOBASE, EMBiology, Elsevier BIOBASE, FLUIDEX, World Textiles and ILLUMIN8) and CABI databases (CAB Abtsracts and CABI Global Health).

Published by Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia

ISSN No. 0302-2935

Publication frequency: Twice per year


Datuk Zurinah binti Pawanteh

(Secretary General, Ministry Of Energy And Natural Resources)

Vice Chairman

YBrs. Dr. Mohd Mokhtar bin Tahar

(Deputy Secretary General, Ministry Of Energy And Natural Resources)

Office Address:

Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia

Jalan Sultan Salahuddin

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

E-mail :


8:00AM to 5:00PM (GMT +8)

Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed