The South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture (SAJEV)

The South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture (SAJEV) publishes full-length original Research Papers, Research Notes and Review Papers on all subjects related to enology and viticulture. The SAJEV does not accept articles published in, or submitted to, other journals.

Peer Review Process

Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers. Changes proposed by the reviewers will be forwarded to the author(s), but the editor reserves the right to edit any manuscript for style.  Page proofs will be sent as a pdf-file to the corresponding author. Queries or comments will be highlited on the pdf-document, which needs to be answered and e-mailed back to the Editor, Prof. L.M.T. Dicks (, within 48h. Failure to do so may delay the publication process. Once all corrections have been made on the page proofs, the manuscript is logged as in press and receives a DOI (digital object identifier) number. At this stage of the publication process page numbers are not allocated to the manuscript, but only a volume number and year of publication. The author(s) may now refer to the article as in press and list the volume and year of publication together with the unique DOI number. SAJEV goes to press in May/June and in November/December of each year. 

Chief Editor

Leon M.T. Dicks, Stellenbosch University