Publications Journal

Publications is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal on scholarly publishing, published quarterly online by MDPI. 

Aims and Scope

Publications (ISSN 2304-6775) is an international, peer-reviewed, fully open access journal that provides a home for research related to all aspects of scholarly publication and culture. Scholarly publishing is the gateway to the academic record, and it should be studied and critically analysed in all its dimensions with the same rigour expected of other research. Publications aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for scholars, publishing professionals, librarians, funders, innovative service providers and others to communicate original research on a range of topics that address current issues and inform best practice.

The scope of Publications includes:

Theory and practices of scholarly communication

Public access to and engagement with scientific research

Globalisation of research and the advent of open science

The social, legal and ethical dimensions of publication

Digitisation and other innovations in scholarly publishing technologies

Metadata, standards, infrastructures and linking in the scholarly record

Financial models and sustainability issues for scholarly publishing

Copyright, licensing and other legal issues in publishing

Issues related to peer review and academic governance practices

Critical bibliometric and scientometric studies, including socio-technical perspectives

Cultural orientations towards academic productivity and evaluation

Reproducibility, research integrity and publication ethics

Issues, opportunities and best practices in the publication of non-traditional research outputs

Traditional and emerging methodologies in the assessment of research and its scientific and societal impact

The role of research libraries, scholarly societies, funders and others in scholarly communication


Dr. Gemma Derrick

Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK

Editorial Office: 

Journal Contact

Publications Editorial Office

MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland

Tel.: +41 61 683 77 34; Fax: +41 61 302 89 18