PHILOSOPHICA is a journal of philosophical inquiry devoted to current epistemological, ethical and political issues. PHILOSOPHICA is published twice a year by the Department of Philosophy and Moral Science at Ghent University.

From volume 83 on PHILOSOPHICA is an online Open Access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. All volumes are immediately available at this website. We print only a limited number of copies of each issue (for members of the editorial board, guest editors, authors and some libraries). This website also contains a complete online archive.

ISSN: 0379-8402.

 Aims and scope

 PHILOSOPHICA was founded in 1963 as STUDIA PHILOSOPHICA GANDENSIA and was publishing the results of research done by the department of Philosophy and Moral Science in Ghent. Since 1973 the journal is published as PHILOSOPHICA. Each issue deals with a specific topic, chosen by a guest editor, who contacts international specialists in order to contribute to the issue.

 PHILOSOPHICA seeks to engage guest editors whishng to realize a volume in line with current epistemological, ethical and political issues. Prospective editors may contact the editor-in-chief Prof. dr. Erik Weber. Once the topic is approved by the editorial board, the full details on the lay-out are given to the authors by the editing-manager Dr. Albrecht Heeffer. The idea is that the guest editor sends the final version of the volume to the editing-manager, who sends it directly to the printer’s office. This means that the guest editor is responsible for selecting, refereeing and copy-editing the volume. In this process they can consult the editing-manager if necessary.

Editor in Chief

Erik Weber