International Soil and Water Conservation Research

We believe in the global impact of research from China.

​At KeAi, our mission is to unfold quality research globally, combining cutting-edge technologies and data insights with a personal approach to everyone we serve and everything we do. 

We have three key objectives, which lie at the heart of all our core activities:

To build on traditional and long-established publishing principles

​KeAi benefits from a long and illustrious history. Our founders are Elsevier, the world’s leading scientific information and analytics company, and China Science Publishing & Media Ltd (CSPM), China’s leading academic publisher – together they bring nearly 200 years of knowledge and expertise to the relationship. While drawing on their experience, we always have one eye firmly on the future and never stop exploring opportunities to make a difference.

To enhance global visibility and access to scientific research

Our Chinese roots are important to us, as is optimising the global reach and impact of the articles we publish. That’s why all our journals provide a rigorous peer review process and authors can rest easy in the knowledge that each submission is handled by renowned editors and expert editorial and publishing teams. We also draw on the latest publishing technology, along with innovative new tools, to expand research accessibility to all; for example, all our journals are published fully open access on ScienceDirect, so everything is free to read, download, and share.

To publish world-class academic journals

Our goal is to develop top-tier journals that aid the advancement and application of scientific research. Our commitment to continuous improvement and quality means many of our journals go on to be indexed by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Science Citation Index, Scopus and other leading databases, and receive Impact Factors and CiteScores. More recently, a number of journals were also selected for inclusion in the Chinese Action Plan for Excellence.

ISSN: 2095-6339

Editors-in-chief: Tingwu Lei, Mark Nearing